Strangely enough, when it came time to write this post, I couldn't think of anything, despite my constant thoughts and desires to have particular moments to do over again. I interpreted this prompt as asking us to relive it as it happened, not rewrite it, and, it was hard to recall a memory I was fond enough of to repeat (I know this is due to my "I could've done more; I'm never satisfied nature").
I finally settled upon my very first semester at Penn State University. The other 3 ½ years of college were memorable as well (I did meet my long-term boyfriend there after all!), but I'd chose to relive Fall 2006 because it lived up to everything I expected it to be and so much more.
I lived in housing called Supplemental with 7 other girls. That's right - 8 girls picked to live in a house... :) And although I had never had a roommate before, I absolutely loved having 7 of them. The huge room we lived in had 2 levels so we technically had access to the 3rd and 4th floors. The doors on the upper level led out to the guys' floor so when they weren't locked, we had tons of visitors, sometimes unwanted, ha! That sounded creepy but I can promise you that it wasn't.
Have you ever heard "here's to the nights we won't remember and the friends we'll never forget"? That quote sums up that semester really well. There were definitely some nights I don't remember how I got home, although it was always safely I might add (for people who began strangers, we really took care of each other). And there were amazing memories I will never let go off.
- Muddy Mifflin, our crazy flag football match in the pouring rain. The dorm showers ran brown for like a week after that.
- Being chased by a dear friend trying to Nair my head.
- Drunkenly asking my crush, who looked just like Cory Matthews I swear, if he was gay because he would hold me close and look into my eyes but never kiss me (in my defense, sometimes the moment was like silver screen perfect). Although he immediately stopped cuddling me on that swing on the porch of a frat house, he was a gentleman and walked me home. However, I heard from him very little after that :(
- Dressing up like a Martini for Halloween.
- My roommates lovely sign posted on the door for me one night when I got home late that read "Welcome Home Slutface". It was an inside joke because it was so untrue, but it was hilarious and I still have it.
- The boys' prank of taping plastic cultlery to our dorm doors.
- Our (much better) prank of toilet papering their door.

- Being really sad about Winterbreak because it meant leaving Happy Valley for a whole month.
oh so college ;)
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