
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I admit that I totally procrastinated today and found myself starting at a blank screen at 9pm on Monday, the day I should've had a post up at 8am. And considering that I have yet to workout for the day, this may not even go up until the wee hours of Tuesday :\ I just couldn't for the life of me decide on something to write about. Good, now that we've gotten that out of the way, I'm stealing a post idea from Kari @ Not Quite Ginger, my social butterfly :)

Watching last week's episode of Teen Wolf. It didn't get watched last Monday, and I heard that a main character dies, and I'll cry if it's Stiles, and the season finale is on tonight. So basically, I've got a night full of teenage wolf watching ahead of me, and I'm only sort of mad at it (and only if said named character above dies). Something about that wording seems mildy inappropriate but we're rolliiinnngggg..

Thinking about writing a novel. It's one of the first thoughts in the morning and keeps me up at night when I should be fast asleep. I think about as I sit in theaters watching some of my favorite books adapted to the silver screen. I hear someone say something interesting while strolling down 5th and start building an entire story around him. In sum, it's a part of me. And after much encouragement from the blogging community and people in real life, I think I'm ready to make steps in that direction (scroll to the bottom of this post for one of the first steps!)

Listening to 30 Seconds To Mars' Love, Lust, Faith & Dreams album. I've been obsessed with it for months now. Jared Leto is an amazing talent and his voice is like butter. Panties drop all over the world when that boy belts. If that's crass, I don't wanna be right. I love many of the messages in this album whether it's to ignore the designations and just believe in/have faith in something that drives you (End Of All Days), or standing up and never backing down (The Race).

(still) Reading F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. I've technically been reading this for a month. When I saw the trailer for the movie last summer, I was so infatuated with the glitz and glam, but other books (i.e. Divergent) got read instead. As as already established, I'm not about that "see the movie but haven't read the book" life so I skipped it when it was in theaters.

Loving the process of finally decorating my apartment. When I first moved back to NYC, it was a week before my first day of law school and I had purchased none of the casebooks but had all of the assignments. I barely had time to make my bed up and throw my clothes in the closet. Four years later and I still haven't customized my apartment to feel like "me" just yet. Two weeks ago, I bought a new duvet cover from West Elm and in the process of designing my perfect bed complete with the fluffiest pillows, got bitten by the decorating bug (Again with the wording. I promise, my bed has none of the bugs.). I'm no interior designer, but I'm excited to finally claim my space (and fulfill a resolution, whoop whoop!).

Drinking the last of the champagne from Sunday night. No swig escapes. 'nough said.

Eating nothing at the moment. Disappointing, I know.

Missing college. Especially my first year. I had the time of life, and little responsibility. Memories are great, but they also come with nostalgia. What I wouldn't give to be at a white out game in Beaver Stadium, drunk off hours of tailgating and gleefully screaming as my friends toss me in the air for each touchdown point.

Wanting my H&M package to arrive. It's been over 2 weeks since I ordered it, aaannnddd it says it was delivered on Friday. Umm, I don't have it. Aside from that, I really want to travel. I probably say this 3 times a day, but seriously, if I don't get out of this country for a few days soon, I may just lose my mind.

Looking forward to be fit again. I've been playing this back and forth game with my weight since senior year of high school. It's frustrating, and I can't wait to finally be done with yo-yoing.

What's your current situation?


If you scrolled just to check out my first step, you are for real the
Photo Credit
While looking for quotes to inspire me, I found this one, which is a reminder that the only requirement to be a writer is to write often.  Aside from the rare instance when what I have to say is too difficult to formulate into words, it's usually the want of a topic that stops me from writing. So I went on a frenzy to find writing prompts to get my pen going. I noticed that many of the bloggers I know also enjoy writing (Well duh Kari, bloggers do write after all) and two lovely readers commented on a fiction post that they'd be interested in a writing link-up. I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to commit to a weekly link-up of sorts, but I thought it'd be cool if while sharing my writing, others shared their writing with me too! Plus, I really like reading other people's fiction. Here's the writing prompt I'll be interpreting for Friday's post. If you care to write something for it as well, leave a comment below so I can check it out or comment on Friday's post with a link to your post.
Describe your character using just the items in his/her desk drawer (ex. important items, mixtapes, photos).
 If you'll be joining in, good luck! If not, just forget about this paragraph, 'kay? :)



  1. You should totally write a novel. Girl…life is too short. I think if it's a huge thing you keep thinking about, then you need to go for it. Throw caution to the wind, my friend. You're an amazing writer!

  2. I hope you love Great Gatsby. The books is fantastic and the movie is amazing.


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