
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Before jumping into the reason any of you clicked on this post, I'm slipping in a little update regarding books. I'm still trying to complete the Semi-Charmed Reading Challenge and I wish I could say I'm excelling on all fronts but I am most definitely not. I read 3 books towards the challenge last month (90 points in total now), which may seem like something but I've only got one more month to finish up and there are just so many more books to read (#storyofmylife).
  • 5 points for a freebie book: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
  • 10 points for a book I couldn't finish the first time around: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
  • 15 points for a book on the NY Times Bestsellers List: Saga Vol. 1 (#2 on the Paperback Graphic Books)
I also participated in the Book-Tube-A-Thon, a week-long reading marathon, in the middle of July. It was first time really participating and I finished 3 books during that week - two of the books above (Attachments & Saga) as well as The Great Gatsby, which I had been trying to read forevvveerrrr. I win!

I feel like I've written the word 'book' like eleventy times in the post. Here's eleventy-one. Wanna win a book? We're hosting a giveaway! 

Kay and I are really, really excited about our August book of the month, Big Little Lies by Liana Moriarty, and what better way to share the excitement than to give it away. Enter below!

Giveaway Hosts:

The Kari Diaries
The Kay Times

What have you been reading recently?


  1. YAY. I love this!!! *doing a jig* Whoop Whoop for book-club-ness!

  2. So excited for this giveaway ! Sounds like a good read

  3. Popping by from Kay's blog. Love a good book / giveaway! This is on my to-read list. Just started Love in the Present Tense and am hooked!

  4. of course, I'm lying with the book club! #LieWithUs

  5. I so don't want to win this book (of course, I'm lying with the book club!) #LieWithUs

  6. I've been doing terribly on the book challenge, too. But on the plus side, I've read more books during the first half of this year than I've read in a year for a long, long time. So Yay! And even better news, I just want to give you a heads up that I may be heading to NYC this fall!!! More likely in the latter part of October / early November. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to go. If so, hope we can meet up! Have a fabulous weekend!


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