Frustrations of Writing A Novel [Part II]

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Okay, so the first post (click here!) wasn't exactly named "Part 1" so this isn't technically a "Part 2", but I didn't have a better title, okay! :\ The creativity is running low these days and I'm pouring every ounce I can find into said novel. That being said, as before, I've compiled these writing frustrations over time into a single post as I'm sure many of my non-writer readers appreciate being able to efficiently skip the one post (please don't!). Here are a few of the things bugging me recently:

I'm obsessed with my 'story bible.' I originally just had all my outlines, character sketches, research etc. as files on my computer. But switching from .doc to .doc really slowed down the writing process, so I decided to print it all out. Cue me, running out to the 24hr Staples at like 1am for a binder and labels because I'm excited and I can't be a normal person and put a lid on said excitement until a reasonable hour. The good thing is that I've really fleshed out my story in the past weeks in a way that I wouldn't have done electronically. And filling in/outlining my story chapter by chapter has made all the difference. Seriously, I may just do an entire post on story bibles because I feel like I must pass on this miracle.
The downside? I'm so into making my story bible into this encyclopedia of everything WIP that I'll spend 1/2 my allotted writing time playing with it :\

The mushy middle. Outlining chapters has been a lifesaver but also revealed a major issue. The mushy middle. After outlining about 1/3 of the story, I realize there is so much missing from the middle. It's a soggy mess of information and disjointed events, and I haven't the slightest clue how to get through it. Halp!

The 'juicy' scenes keep calling me. They say it's best to write the novel chronologically. Why? I don't really remember. The writing gods just say so!! Really, all I know is that multiple sources state that it's the best option. But what's a girl to do when the scandalous, romantic parts are much more interesting than the scenes that lay the groundwork? I fight daily with the urge to jump into Chapter 5. I'm nowhere near Chapter 5, btw.

Still being a perfectionist. Nothing new here. Writing 101 says to plow ahead and avoiding looking back, but I get caught red-handed editing last night's work all the time. Moving along, nothing to see here!

My characters. Sebastian still insists he's not a smoker, much to my dismay. But he has let me know he prefers the drums to the electric guitar, and his Grammy is the wildest woman of the not-so-wild West. Lea's still watching people like a creeper, but I'm starting to think that's just who she is. So that's progress. I still haven't figured out all the details (like why Chase took a year off or what's wrong with Harper's brother), but at least shit's happening now. Baby steps, people!

Are you currently writing anything? Got any woes you wanna complain about?


  1. I cant wait to read this!! No wonder you're a night owl. xox

  2. your book sounds fascinating! i would love to hear more about the story bible :)

  3. I love it!!!! I am just happy I now have time to write. We need to do a sprint before I go! But I love this post !


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