And as it's my first one, you know I'm both excited and scared :\ Really, after all the horror stories I've heard about the NaNoWriMo experience, you'd think I'd steer clear. Nope! Maybe it's because I'm a-okay with going from one horror month in Fall-O-Ween to the next. Or maybe it's because I've also heard about such amazing experiences with NaNoWriMo (Cinder, Scarlet and Cress by Marissa Meyer were all NaNoWriMo books; as well as Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and Anna & The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, two of my favs!).
Let me back track a bit. NaNoWriMo stands for "National Novel Writing Month" and it's a month-long writing event that happens every November. The challenge is to write 50,000 words, basically a novel, by November 30th, which breaks down to 1,667 words per day. NaNoWriMo is meant to encourage consistent writing and helps you remain motivated on getting the words out. It's not about perfection; it's about producing a first draft of an actual novel. Last year, over 300,000 participants became novelists by December 1st. How awesome is that?! :) I want that!
So I'm taking the plunge. I've got my outline, my story bible, my character bios all ready to go. I've researched and planned up to the brink of over-planning (big no-no!). I've even created my own NaNoWriMo survival kit, which includes a DIY mug :)
Basically, I'm ready :) Apparently, daily updates via posts or vlogs is a thing in the NaNoWriMo world. I don't plan on partaking in that, but I will update a few times as to my progress while keeping up with my regular posts here. Eeep! Is anyone else out there participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Leave me comments and add me as buddy!
goooooddd luck!!! :)