Insert Monday's Post Here

Monday, March 30, 2015

Confession: I don't have anything to say here at TKD :( But that's only because I used all creative energy on today's Skylights article. So instead of whipping something random up, I'll just redirect you guys over there!

The Contact High of Connection

I'm actually really, really proud of this piece. I struggled and tussled with it for weeks and finally the words started clicking into place. Fitting, really :)

So if you get a chance, go ahead and check the article out! And I'll see you here on Wednesday. Hope your week was all kinds of wonderful!


  1. love love love it girly. so true and amazingly written.

  2. I love it girlie!!! Your rock!

  3. Great post, Kari. I tweeted one of the lines. I have a friend who lived in Australia but now lives in the UK. I met her a both before she moved to the UK after she'd lived here for 4 years and me for 5. And, we totally clicked - I was so sad when she left after only knowing her a month. Sometimes, it just happens.

  4. SO GLAD YOU SENT ME THERE. Because, yes. I yes. I'm completely a contact high kind of girl who just oozes joy the moment I "feel" it. I can't slow my roll or change my pace or any of the things because I'M JUST SO HAPPY. Thankfully, most people find it endearing. :)


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