+ Lose some real weight - I know, I know. Fitness is about the way you feel, the confidence in wearing your clothes, the health of your body. And I'm not diminishing any of that. But truly, I need to lose some el beessss. Point, blank, period.
+ Read Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky - It's pretty heavy stuff, but I've been wanting to pick it up again for a while now. I read portions of it years ago for a presentation in law school, but as those were more stressful times, I want to read it in its entirety now. It's dense but it really isn't that long. And if I can read upteen books about shadowhunters, assassins and mal-adjusted teenagers, I can find time to read this.
+ Complete a few projects - One of my biggest bad habits as a kid was being a dreamer not a doer. I'd think up all these bright ideas and embark on new things and then somewhere in the middle I'd lose steam. As I've grown older, this has changed, but recently, I feel like I'm five again, getting all excited about my shiny new toy at the store and then forgetting where I've stashed it.
+ Finish the first draft of my novel - Considering that April is Camp NaNoWriMo and I'm suppose to be participating in Camp NaNo, this should be a given, but it's 10 days in and I have yet to write a single word, so... clearly, it needs to be said. My original deadline for D1 was the new year, which clearly has been pushed back multiple times. But if I have any chance of meeting my own self-imposed "done" date, I need to be through D2 by the end of June :\
+Comment on blogs - I'm sure you've noticed, but for the past month or so, I've been complete shit at commenting on other people's blogs. Everyday I set out with the goal in mind and then I get stuck doing other things and I'm falling asleep vowing to do it tomorrow. I still love you all, I swear!
Got any goals for the month? Feeling inspired to set a few goals of your own? Join me in linking up with Drea!
April is definitely a big project month for me too...I need to do some major de-cluttering of my apartment, yet somehow I'm always being distracted (probably because there are always so many other more fun things to do!).
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your goals. You have to keep dreaming to ever do so being a dreamer isn't all bad. You just have to find your focus and dig in those heels!!!
ReplyDeleteHi there! I got here from Drea's site :) I love seeing everyones goals. I haven't set any for this month just yet so maybe I will join in next month.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to say I am with you on the project idea - I am totally and dreamer and I feel like it is a positive thing yet can be negative as well. I always have these "great ideas" but never do anything with them. I have been trying to be better at making a plan and following through on them. Let it be known you are not alone in this and I wish you the very best in all of your goals!
I have been terrible at commenting on blogs lately too. I feel like I have reverted back to my 5 year old dreamer not doer self too. Fingers crossed I am get it together soon. :)
ReplyDeletegood luck with your goals girly! you can totes do it. do i need to be blowing your phone up again? i will ;) i really need to lose some lbs as well, derby is less than 3 weeks away and europe is less than 2 months and none of my clothes fit.. NOT COOL.
ReplyDeleteps i'm totally a dreamer and not a do-er and i'm down with it. although.. hindsight.
Good luck hun. Clearly Im shit at commenting too this month which is why Im just seeing this post. I ned to lose some lbs too but I have been.
ReplyDeleteI feel you on losing pounds, Kari. I've been working toward the same thing but I haven't noticed a difference in the way my clothes fit yet, so I'm reluctant to step on the scale for fear that my working out hasn't been working. Re: commenting on blogs, I try to read 2-3 blog posts every other day and leave thoughtful comments when I can. Sometimes I just wait until the weekend to read and leave comments since nothing else is really going on in my life. Good luck with finishing the first draft of your novel and the rest of your goals for this month!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Thank you for participating in my first linkup! I truly appreciate it.
I need to set a list of goals for the month and really stick to them! I always have a few little goals spread out but I need something more. And I'm with you on that first goal, girl!
ReplyDeleteThese are excellent and attainable goals, girlfriend. I commend you for even making them - that allows yourself to focus on what you want, which can only make you succeed! I'm rooting for you - you're beautiful, determined, and SO smart. Dostoevsky breaks my heart, but in such a powerful way, that's a great one to push through!
ReplyDeleteMiss you, gorgeous! Now that it's warmer, I'm sensing some bottomless brunches in our future! xo
I like your goal list, and I'm sure you will achieve everything on your list. I've been struggling a bit with commenting on others blogs so I'm going to make a goal for myself to comment on so many blogs per day. Wishing you a GREAT April!
ReplyDeleteWhat helps me with keeping track of projects that I want to do is writing everything down in a book or calendar. It keeps me so organized and I can get stuff done. Good luck with the rest of your goals this month!!