Happy Monday, lovelies!
Sure, those two words don't usually go together, but I had a pretty great weekend so there we have it. My weekends are usually not recap-worthy, so when they actually are interesting enough to blog about, we blog about them.
Friday night was spent prepping for NaNoWriMo. I've always wanted to participate but either never had a viable idea or didn't have the time. Now that I have both, I'm very excited to join in. So I spent most of Friday night registering on the
NaNoWriMo website, filling out my profile and scrolling through the forums. I also watched way more YouTube videos about the event then I care to admit, picking up tips and tricks for the month-long marathon. Next task, to create a
NaNoWriMo Survival Kit, because apparently survival is not guaranteed. Why am I doing this again?
Is it considered my first blate if I spent the afternoon with not just one, but five other great blogging ladies? Well, it was my first "blogging event" and it was such fun. It all began with a simple blogger brunch in the East Village at Forcella hosted by B & M of
The Sequin Notebook. The restaurant wasn't crowded at all, so there was nothing to drown out our chatter. I don't have any pictures of us brunchin' because, well, (1) we were too busy chatting our heads off to take very many, and (2) the very few pictures we actually took weren't taken by me. I know, Bad Blogger Award goes to yours truly.
The wonderful gifts the girls over at The Sequin Notebook gave us at brunch! |
However, I did take a few pictures of the fashion event hosted by Simply Stylist that we went to afterwards at the Park Central Hotel. Redeemed? I think so.
When I'm really happy I smile so big that my eyes get really small and my cheeks get really big. Clearly, I'm a happy gal :) |
I almost didn't wanna talk about it because, hello shitty officiating. But it did actually
happen this weekend so here we are. The game began with an incorrect fumble recovery call, which resulted in an OSU touchdown, and the officiating when down from there. So basically, we lost because the refs are blind. The end.
Business Cards
One of the benefits of brunchin' with bloggers, aside from meeting some lovely ladies? Being blog educated. Now I
love TKD; it's home. But I made a mental note sometime last month that I wanted to make my little corner of the internet more than what it is. Imagine my embarassment when two ideas that I never even considered were mentioned to me. While I walked around the Simply Stylist event willy-nilly Saturday night,
Kristen (thanks Kristen!) mentioned her blog business cards and I was all like "I don't have blog business cards". I reiterate, Bad Blogger Award, over here. So I spent quite a bit of Sunday afternoon, researching blog business cards, the dos, the don'ts, the types and the prints. I haven't pressed the order button just yet, but I'm working on them. At least now I'm making strides in the right direction.
Blog Facebook Page
Yet another thing I needed to get on. I don't connect my personal FB page to my blog because of employment reasons, but when dear
Pam (thanks girl!) suggested I just create a separate page for my blog, I had another face-palm moment. Of course, I should just do that! And so it has been done :) Seriously ladies, where have you been all my life?
Sunday Footbawl!
Same shit, different day. Except not this week. It looks like I've finally broken my losing streak! With all my losses, there's no way I'm making a playoff game, but I hate losing.
First Hocus Pocus
It's late this year. I've usually had my first Hocus Pocus by the 1st of October. But Halloween, and Fall-O-Ween too, aren't complete if I don't watch this movie at least
once during the season. Maybe twice.
Best. Halloween. Movie. Ever.
I think that caps this weekend recap perfectly, don't you? How was your weekend? Tell me all about it!
1-mine, 2, 3, 4-10 mine, 11, 12-mine, 13.