Thankgiving Hangover.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

You know what I'm talkin' about! Whether it hits you right after that last bite or the following morning, the Thanksgiving hangover is the best hangover there is. And because Thanksgiving feasts usually result in lots of yummy leftovers, you're guaranteed to get drunk off turkey for at least a few days.  I can't be mad at that :)

I hope everyone had a delightful Thanksgiving & remembered to take a moment for gratitude as well as turkey!


  1. Wow! Look at all that delicious food! I wish my family made mac and cheese at holidays (it's one of my favorite foods). I'm happy to see you had such a great holiday feast. :)

    xo Always, Abby

  2. Thanks, Abby! Hope your feast went equally as well. I'm thinking of posting some recipes eventually so heads up :)


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